Tuesday 19 November 2024: first data intermediation morning

One year on from the implementation of the Data Governance Act (DGA), which institutionalised the status of data intermediary, where do things stand?
The AID is organising its first Data Intermediation Morning on Tuesday 19 November at the Caisse des Dépôts, 15, quai Anatole-France in Paris.
On the programme: theory (legal framework, technologies, standardisation, etc.) and practice, with a range of case studies.

In partnership with the Banque des Territoires

Programme (en construction)

#DGA: from theory to practice

  • 9.00am: Welcome coffee
  • 9.30am: Welcome by a representant of the Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts)
  • 9.45am: Opening by Laure de la Raudière, President of Arcep
  • 10.00am to 10.45am: “Theoretical” round table (under construction)
  • 10.45am: Break
  • 11am to 11.45am: round table, sectoral use cases in practice
    – agriculture with Thierry Desforges, Vice-Chairman of the FNSEA R&D Commission in charge of digital issues
    – mobility
    – personal data
  • 11.45am: Q&R
  • 12.am: Conclusion by Sébastien Picardat, Chairman of AID
  • Cocktail lunch