Legal Notice

General terms and conditions

This website, accessible at (hereinafter “the Site”) is published by the Association pour l’Intermédiation de Données – AID (hereinafter “the Publisher”), an association registered with the Préfecture de Police de Paris under number RNA W751272081 and whose registered office is located at 17 rue de l’Amiral Hamelin – 75116 PARIS – FRANCE.


The publication director is Mr Sébastien PICARDAT-POUPARDIN, Chairman of the AID Association.

The website is hosted by : GANDI SAS – 63/65 Boulevard Massena 75013 Paris – France, tel: +33 1 70 37 76 61

The site was created by : SUPERTAG

Content written by : LauMa communication – 70 bd de Sébastopol, 75003 Paris,

Site content

The Site and each of its components, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, icons, computer graphics and photographs, are the exclusive property of the Publisher and are protected by copyright.

Any use, reproduction or representation, by any process whatsoever, and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site and/or its component parts is unauthorized without the express consent of the Publisher, and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Personal data

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The terms and conditions governing the collection, use and deletion of such data are defined in the privacy policy accessible at the following address: (hypertext link to come).

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The Site may contain hypertext links to other sites which may not be controlled by the Publisher. Consequently, the Publisher declines all responsibility for the content of these sites, or for the impossibility of accessing these sites or some of their content.

In the event of any difficulty in using the Site, please report such malfunctions to the following address: contact[at] The Publisher will do its utmost to put an end to the problem as soon as possible.


The contents are provided for general information purposes only.

We endeavor to update the Site on a regular basis, however, it is not impossible that information may remain out of date or erroneous. This Site is not necessarily updated on a daily basis and certain information may not be the most recent.

Therefore, before taking any action on the basis of information found on the Site, we invite you to verify this information with third parties or by contacting us.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

If you encounter any difficulties in connection with our Site or our contents, we are at your disposal to discuss them with you. You can contact us by e-mail (contact[at] or by post
(17 rue de l’Amiral Hamelin – 750116 PARIS – FRANCE).

We remind you that only French law applies to our professional activity, as well as to our communication tools, including our Site and its content.