04 June 2024

Data intermediaries : Agdatahub, Hub One DataTrust and MiTrust officially entered on the European register

The Association pour l’Intermédiation de Données (AID) is delighted that Arcep (French regulatory authority for electronic communications, post and press distribution) has been designated as the regulatory authority for data intermediaries in France, and that three of its members have been officially entered on the European Register of Data Intermediation Services.

Trusted third party status, regulated by Arcep

The SREN Act aims to strengthen trust and competition in the data economy. It includes measures designed, for example, to restore commercial fairness in the cloud market and adapt French law to apply recent European regulations on data, both personal and otherwise, such as the Data Governance Act (DGA).
This text institutionalises the status of data intermediary at European Union level: a trusted third party who facilitates and secures the exchange of data between its holders and users.
In France, Arcep (Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presse) has been designated as the authority that will control and monitor compliance with the requirements set out in the DGA, enabling structures that notify themselves to be entered in the European Register of Data Intermediation Services. Arcep will also promote France’s position in the field of data intermediation services at European and international level.

Our members, the first to be notified as data intermediaries in France

The second reason for satisfaction for AID is the registration of three of its members in the European Register of Data Intermediation Services.

« The recent notification of Agdatahub, for the agricultural and agri-food sectors, Hub One DataTrust, for the airport sector, and MiTrust, for authentic personal data, puts France firmly on the central register of data intermediaries in a variety of sectors. The next step is to label our members as an additional guarantee of confidence that they comply with the regulatory criteria defined by the DGA. »

Sébastien Picardat, Chairman of AID

AID, for its part, continues to raise questions about the application of the new regulations with public authorities AID continues to raise questions about the application of the new regulations with the public authorities, to capitalise on the expertise of its members and to promote the role of data intermediaries in the data industry, notably through its publications on social networks, under the #dataintermediation banner. The association is also preparing its first conference, to be held on 24 October in Issy-les-Moulineaux.